Our activity started back in 1973 in the family antiques business set up in the fifties in Vitoria (Alava). Theotokopoulos Gallery was founded by María Elizari and Pedro Ramón Jiménez in 1980 and moved to Madrid in 1987.

María graduated as Restorer (Old Master paintings and sculpture) in 1992 from Madrid´s prestigious restoration school CEROA;she is currently taking Art History in UNED. Pedro is the third generation of Navarre-Basque antique dealers. He studied Art and Decoration, four years of life drawing and painting under Rafael Lafuente, (Pedro Jiménez: "Pintores españoles siglo XX"- PAGE 329), took a Master´s degree in "Arts and Artistic Profesions" from Universidad Carlos III in Madrid, colour scientist , engraving and sculpture with international masters Juan Carlos Sanz, Luis Chillida and José Hernandez. He is now studing Art History at UNED.

Theotokópoulos Gallery has been a traiblazer in specialisation in Spain since the eighties, focusing an Gothic and Renaissance painting and sculpture, Spanish and Flemish. Our art bussines is firmly geared towards research and exploration. Right from the start our activity has had a clearly intellectual bent, centring on methodological an technical aspects. For nearly three decades in our restoration studio we have been personally exploring infrarred, reflectography, macrofotography, ultraviolet light, etc.

The Gallery has publised its catalogues yearly since 2000. This involves the collaboration and support of numerous international specialists in specific subjets, study and publish our art works and make expert suggestions.


Pedro Ramón Jiménez
E 28009
c/ Alcala, 97
+34 609 25 62 16 *
Œuvres sélectionnées
Vierge à l'Enfant

Cornelis Albert
(Bruges actif en 1512 - 1531)

Vierge à l'Enfant

L'Adoration des bergers

Del Cano, maître de Langa Martin
(1400 - 1425)

L'Adoration des bergers

Apelle, Campaspe et Alexandre le Grand

Francken II, dit le Jeune Frans
(1581 - 1642)

Apelle, Campaspe et Alexandre le Grand




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